Thank you for your Generosity!

Online Giving

To opt out of contributing to Zeffy, click the “Other” option when asked what percentage you would like to contribute Zeffy and type “0.”

Give a one-time or recurring gift!

Thank you for supporting the Mission!

Learn More about Online Giving

Thank you for your Generous Support!

To facilitate online giving with no transaction fees, we have partnered with Zeffy, a registered B Corp™, trusted by over 25,000 nonprofits throughout North America, and has helped organizations raise over $500M.

100% of all your gifts go directly to Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church.

Zeffy relies entirely on voluntary contributions from donors. On all forms, donors have the option (but are never obliged) to contribute to Zeffy.

To opt out of contributing to Zeffy, click the “Other” option when asked what percentage you would like to contribute Zeffy and type “0.”

See image below:

  • Accepted Payments Types

    Credit Cards or Debit Cards 💳

    You can easily donate using major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, and Amex, as well as CVV debit cards. This option is available for all donations up to $4,999. To pay via credit card, simply select the credit card payment method, enter the required information, and click on confirm.

    ACH / PAD 🏦

    For donations exceeding $4,999, we offer the ACH (Automated Clearing House) / PAD (Pre-Authorized Debit) payment method. To proceed, simply select this option and click "donate" or "complete" at the bottom of the page. You'll then be prompted to provide your banking information. ACH/PAD transactions are secure and follow industry standards, just like credit card payments.

    Apple Pay / Google Pay 🍎

    If you have Apple Pay or Google Pay enabled on your devices and browsers, these options will be automatically available during the donation process. No additional configuration is needed.

  • Create an Online Giving Account

    Activate your Zeffy donor account from the link sent in your confirmation email.

    After you've made a donation or purchase, you can activate your account from the link sent in your confirmation email or from here.

    To log in, you should enter the same email address as the one used in your transaction. You'll then receive an email to create a password. After your password is created, your account will be activated!

    From your account:

    you will find a history of all the donations/purchases you have made through Zeffy.

    1️⃣ By clicking on "edit" or "view more" you will be able to see the receipt associated with this donation, if any. For monthly donations, you can also change the amount of your donation, change your credit card or stop the donation. For more information, please visit the page here.

    2️⃣ Your donor dashboard also allows you to edit peer-to-peer fundraising pages, if you have signed up to participate in a nonprofit's fundraising efforts as a team or individual.

  • Update my credit card or edit monthly donation?

    Easily edit your monthly donation, update your credit card, or cancel your donation from your dashboard.

    To make any changes to your monthly donation, you will first have to log in to your Zeffy account. If this is your first time logging in, you can go and click the link to activate your account in your most recent confirmation email from Zeffy (you will find the link at the top). If you already have an account, you can simply log-in.

    In your dashboard:

    Once in your donor dashboard, you should see a list of all your most recent donations on Zeffy. To the right of your most recent monthly donation, click on "Manage."

    A window will open towards the right with details of your transaction.

    🖊️ To edit the amount of your monthly donation: click on "update amount." You will be able to enter the new amount that you would like to donate from your next payment onwards.

    💳 To edit your credit card: click on "update" to the right of "payment method." A secure Stripe page will open where you will be able to enter your new credit card information.

    ❌ To cancel your monthly donation: click on the red "stop." This will cancel your recurring payment meaning you will no longer be charged for this donation.

  • Security and Data

    Zeffy does not store, use or sell your personal data.

    The data collected by the nonprofit you supported can be seen by the nonprofit in their dashboard (i.e. donor names/addresses/payment method - this is only written credit card, ACH, or manual). Any personal information you shared with a nonprofit will only be used by them for purposes linked to your transaction.

    It is against our terms of service to use this data for any other purpose.

An overflow of Gratitude from the Gospel

  • Wise and Generous Giving

    We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus as our God, Savior, and King. There is nothing we can give to earn salvation. Our giving should be an overflow of gratitude for God’s love for us.

    God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7) and he calls all of us to take up our cross and follow him (Luke 9:23).

    Ultimately, money is but one of many stewardships God has given to us. So along with our time, our abilities, and our relationships, we should take our money and make “the best use of the time” (Eph. 5:16) for the glory of God. See every dollar as an opportunity to bring glory to God.

    Paul also instructs each Christian to give “in keeping with his income” (1 Cor. 16:2, NIV)—in other words, give as much as he is able. Furthermore, if one were to give so much that he was unable to provide for his family’s basic needs, the apostle Paul would say “he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (1 Tim. 5:8)

    Two practical considerations of wisdom:

    Since the local church is your primary source of teaching and involvement in ministry, what priority should it have in your choice of giving?

    Consider giving regularly and deliberately as Paul told the Corinthians to set aside money on the first day of every week (1 Cor. 16:2).

    Thank you for your generosity to help expand the mission of God!